You may be asking yourself why Vortex?
Simply put we have walked in your shoes. By only hiring people that have worked in the industry that they recruit, Vortex has been able to be more valuable to the people we work with since we speak from experience and not key words that we read off a job description. At Vortex we understand that you get contacted by a lot of recruiters and that your time is valuable. The next time someone other than Vortex reaches out, ask yourself, “Does this company work with 40+ technology companies and avg 10+ years of technology experience?”
But I am not really looking..
Awesome! In fact, if you were looking you would likely not be the right fit. At Vortex our recruiting model is set up to target the top 20% of the industry because that is what our clients are looking to hire. While there is a place for job search boards, Vortex has been successful without using them and because our model has given us the reputation of targeting only A-Players, over time this has allowed us to build an even more solid client list that ranges from well-known multi-billion dollar technology OEM’s and VAR’s to rapidly growing technology startups coast to coast in almost every major market.
Why it helps to plant seeds
We hear it all the time, “Call me back in 6 months and I may be looking then.” While the concept of this sounds good, what if your dream opportunity becomes available 4 months from now? Is a 15 minute investment worth that risk? At the end of the day your contact at Vortex is motivated and compensated to make you more money, in fact that is how we earn our commission. The next time you look to make a move wouldn’t you want someone in your corner that makes a living in connecting people with the next step in their career? Not to mention that you will never have to pay this person a dollar.
How we make money and why that matters
As mentioned, our recruiters are highly motivated to get you in the most lucrative opening possible as this is how we earn our commissions. Our recruiters have helped to negotiate thousands of contracts over the years and have a true feel of what your value is in the market. We will stop at nothing to make sure you are in the best position possible to continue to excel from both a financial and career growth perspective. Over 3-5 years the difference could be tens of thousands of dollars. How much are you leaving on the table? Would you be willing to have a call to find out?
What kind of skill sets do you focus on?
While Vortex has had success working in all areas of technology, the largest engineering focus has been around the data center with storage, networking, and IoT being the big 3. Because of the bench that we have built the last couple years, Vortex now gets access to some of the highest profile positions within our space with typical comp packages surpassing 200K-250K a year with no cap for top producers.
Net of the Net
If you are looking at this and do not need a new job, now would be the perfect time to talk. Do not wait until you have a major issue to talk with us because by then it may be too late. We have built a business around helping people like you. At the end of the day who better to have in your corner than a company with connections to put you in the best spot possible, not only for today, but for the rest of your career. That is why people work with Vortex and that is why you should want to work with us as well.
But don’t take our word for it listen to feedback from actual candidates